Enfoque y alcance

The Cuban Journal of Health and Work (hereinafter referred to as the Journal) is an open-access serial publication, an official scientific organ of dissemination of the National Institute of Workers' Health (INSAT, in Spanish).

It´s aimed at researchers, professionals, teachers, technicians, and undergraduate students, regardless of their training and specialization, dedicated to the health care of workers or linked to this sector, both in the country and abroad.

Its purpose is to extend and make visible the knowledge and socialize the results achieved in scientific research, the experiences in the teaching-learning process, and other relevant activities for the development of occupational health.

It was founded in 1999, its first issue was published in 2000, and has a four-monthly frequency (three issues per year), in addition to supplements, all of them referring to topics related to occupational health and occupational health and safety and reflecting the health situation, the development of the system and its services, hygiene, and control of occupational and occupation-related diseases, their impact on human development and equity, among others; in each issue and in different specialized sections (original articles, reviews, commentaries and reflections, short communications, case presentations, etc.). ); among these topics are:

- Aging, work, and health

- Chronic non-communicable diseases

- Climate change and its effects on worker's health

- Gender, work, and health

- Occupational risk factors (traditional, new/emerging, and re-emerging).

- Health worker morbidity and mortality

- Negative effects of work. A preventive approach

- Social security and work

- Work environment and health

- Technical, methodological, and programmatic standardization in occupational health and occupational safety and health

- Management of informatics, knowledge, and information in occupational health

- Human resources training in occupational health

- Evidence-based occupational medicine

- Mental health and work

- Occupational and organizational health psychology

- Occupational accidents

- Genetics and occupational health

The journal has received, since the beginning of 2021, the services of proofreading, philological correction, imaging, and methodological training, offered by the Editorial of Medical Sciences (ECIMED, in Spanish); likewise, the translations of the titles and abstracts of the articles are provided by the Translations Department of the National Center for Information on Medical Sciences-Infomed.

Mission: To offer a space for scientific communication and satisfy the demand for information in the area of occupational health, both nationally and internationally, including medicine, health, and safety at work, through manuscripts with varied topics related to experiences in this area, as well as comments, reflections, communications on topics of interest that promote greater development of scientific activity and its visibility.

Vision: To become a reference journal in the field of occupational health from an interdisciplinary and multi-sector perspective. To be a reliable and attractive publication that constantly introduces improvements in all aspects related to management and production based on an efficient quality assurance system, with the deserved respect for readers, authors and referees.                               

The journal complies with the Uniformity Requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and with the certification requirements established for scientific-technological serial publications, provided for in section three, Article 20 of Resolution No. 59/2003 of the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Environment (CITMA, in Spanish) of the Republic of Cuba.

Likewise, it promotes the application of international norms or established good practices, both for the preparation of manuscripts and their publication and standardization, dictated by: the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA), World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), International System of Units (SIU), International Classification of Diseases, International Nonproprietary Names for Drugs, ORCID identifier, CRediT Taxonomy and Descriptors in Health Sciences (DeCS).

It is indexed in the Online Electronic Library (SciELO), is part of the Cuban Science Network (RedCien), the Ibero-American Network of Innovation and Scientific Knowledge (REDIB), the Directories of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Directory of Research Journals Indexing (DRJI), Directory of Open Access Academic Resources (ROAD) and Latindex; the catalogs SeCiMed, CUBA, SeriUNAM, of the General Directorate of Libraries and Digital Information Services of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, Zeitschriften Datenbamk (ZDB, Germany, Austria), the catalog to reflect the state of openness policies and exploitation rights of scientific publishing (AURA) and WorldCat of the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC, USA); LILACS, HINARI, CiteFactor, European Reference Index for Publications in the Humanities (ERIH PLUS), Medigraphic; Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF); in the Cumed, Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe (OpenAIRE), Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research, Free Medical Journals (GFMER), Academic Resource Index (ResearchBib), Revistas Latinoamericanas en Ciencias (PERIÓDICA), International Institute for Organized Research (I2OR), Matriz de Información para el Análisis de Revistas (MIAR), Ulrich's Web and CABI databases; in the repositories of BMN and BVS Cuba), the Latin American Library of the UNAM (Biblat) and the libraries of the Universities of Princeton, NYU and Harvard (USA), Oxford (United Kingdom), Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek (EZB, Electronic Journals Library in English) and Leipzig (Germany), Gent (Belgium), COBISS (Slovenia); accessible through the search engines LIS Cuba, Google Academic and Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE).

The journal doesn´t apply charge for processing or publication of articles, doesn´t contain or accept advertising or commercial materials, isn´t responsible for the opinions or criteria of the authors, and doesn´t accept papers that have been previously published or are under consideration by the Editorial Board of another national or foreign journal (see remarks in the policy on previous publications and presentations at events).

All journal content is under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) This license allows others to share the work with an acknowledgment of authorship of the work and initial publication in this journal (BY component or attribution). Coincident with the Open Access policy, no commercial uses may be made of content published by this journal (NC component). Derivative works (remix, transformation, or creation from the original work) are allowed, as long as they are distributed under the same license as the original work (SA component).


Políticas de sección


Documento de contenido científico o de opinión, redactado por un miembro del Comité Editorial o un investigador invitado y que expresa una posición, introduce un número, presenta un tema de importancia para la publicación; supone una actualización rigurosa o una puntualización interesante u ofrece puntos de vista o posicionamientos de la comunidad científica sobre determinado tema de interés común para investigadores y profesionales de la salud; también podría tratar sobre políticas editoriales

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Artículos originales

Es el prototipo de artículo en el que se plasman los resultados de una investigación, debe ser la primera divulgación y contener información metodológica suficiente que permita la evaluación estadística y las observaciones, repetir los experimentos, comparar los resultados, verificar las conclusiones y evaluar los procesos intelectuales. Constituye un aporte al conocimiento científico

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Presentaciones de un casos

Documento que contiene aportes –novedosos, no descritos o estudiados insuficientemente- para el conocimiento de enfermedades que puedan estar relacionadas con la ocupación y que, aunque se caracterizan por ser casos inusuales, atípicos en forma o presentación, también pueden explicar la concurrencia de peculiaridades no observadas, manejo o evolución no habituales; asociación inesperada entre síntomas y signos infrecuentes; impacto de una enfermedad en la evolución de otra; repentinas complicaciones de procedimientos/tratamientos, reporte de alguna aplicación clínica importante, enfoque clínico/psicosocial para el diagnóstico, conducta o prevención,  elementos esclarecedores de la fisiopatología de la enfermedad, entre otros y que pueda constituir una posible asociación con las condiciones salud y seguridad en el trabajo y el medio ambiente laboral.

La revista, para el perfeccionamiento de la propuesta, sugiere la utilización de la lista de comprobación CARE.

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Revisiones bibliográficas


Documentos basados en materiales ya publicados, donde se recopilan, analizan y sintetizan y discuten, dado el gran volumen de literatura científica, el estado actual de la investigación de algún tema de la salud ocupacional en sus aspectos más generales, abordando (todas o limitándose a algunas) sus características principales y peculiares. Las revisiones se dividen en narrativas y sistemáticas, aceptándose solo las segundas para evitar falta de sistematización, subjetividad e irrelevancia, lograr una adecuada síntesis de los estudios realizados y proporcionar la mayor evidencia disponible.

Pueden tratarse de artículos encargados por el consejo editorial de la revista a un experto en el tema. La revista sugiere que las revisiones sean ajustadas al formato PRISMA.

Tendrán un resumen estructurado con una introducción breve, el objetivo de la revisión, el desarrollo (parte fundamental), las conclusiones (a modo de consideraciones finales, que deben sintetizar la esencia de la revisión) y las referencias bibliográficas.

Los autores –hasta tres- deben indicar el propósito de la revisión, así como las fuentes y métodos de búsqueda y de selección de las referencias. Presentarán el tema revisado de manera crítica, informando y evaluando la literatura publicada, comparando la información de diferentes fuentes, expresando los criterios propios de su experiencia práctica, trasmitiendo nuevos conocimientos (que permitan conocer la tendencia de las investigaciones, identificar nuevas líneas de investigación, sugerir ideas sobre trabajos futuros y contribuir a la docencia). Nunca debe ser una simple trascripción de la bibliografía revisada.

Opcionalmente, el artículo podrá incluir tablas y figuras (que seguirán las normas generales de la revista).

Los artículos de revisión deben hacerse sobre la bibliografía más actualizada del tema (entre 25 y 50 referencias bibliográficas con más del 70 % de los últimos 5 años y, al menos, un 25 % de los últimos 3 años). 

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Estudios bibliométricos o cienciométricos

Existe un creciente interés de las ciencias en general -y de las ciencias médicas en particular- en la medición de las salidas de los resultados de las investigaciones reflejados en las publicaciones y en los elementos de estos estudios que pueden ser utilizados para evaluar la calidad de los procesos y otros valores agregados. Se incluyen, además de las métricas convencionales otras desde salidas de investigación por las publicaciones con los diferentes niveles de agregación desde un artículo, un autor, una unidad, una institución o un país a partir de indicadores tradicionales y novedosos hasta los estudios altmétricos o de métricas alternativas, sus potenciales usuarios (desde estudiantes y profesionales hasta los decisores de políticas de salud y la comunidad) y su uso responsable

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Comentarios y/o reflexiones

Pueden constituir adelantos de resultados de investigación o aportar ideas que podrían desarrollarse en el futuro pero que, sin ser resultados enteramente acabados, consienten, ameritan o demandan de su inclusión en la revista, de igual forma se permiten aquí trabajos de otras fuentes orientados a incentivar e incrementar el conocimiento y la cultura generales sobre aspectos relacionados con la salud ocupacional, incidiendo en el aumento de la visibilidad y la atención a la importancia de esta especialidad. De igual forma se proporciona un espacio a trabajos propuestos por estudiantes de pregrado y a experiencias en la aplicación de la gestión del conocimiento, la informática y la información científica en favor del progreso tecnológico de la especialidad

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Comunicaciones breves

Pueden contener comentarios, informaciones o noticias puntuales y de actualidad, también notas editoriales y cualquier otro que amerite su inclusión. Adicionalmente aparecerán en esta sección avisos sobre artículos de la temática publicados en otras revistas, catálogos, repositorios, etc.

El Comité Editorial podrá evaluar otras variantes de artículos en esta sección, siempre que no sea muy extenso y no pueda incluirse en otra sección arbitrada

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Cartas al Director/Editor(es)

Documento que permite a los lectores emitir públicamente sus comentarios, consideraciones y objeciones relacionados con artículos publicados.

Podrán contener opiniones sobre aspectos de la política editorial, emitir un juicio crítico sobre algún hecho médico de dominio público; ampliar, interpretar o explicar algunos aspectos de investigación publicados recientemente (no más de un mes); señalar los defectos metodológicos o interpretación de los resultados de algún trabajo o dar a conocer temas relevantes para la comunidad científica. Su título puede ser llamativo, interrogativo o exclamativo. Pueden tener las referencias bibliográficas, estrictamente necesarias y deben estar actualizadas

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Documentos que resaltarán la trayectoria científica de personalidades e instituciones con aportes destacados a la salud pública, especialmente la ocupacional y principalmente nacionales

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Nota necrológica con una síntesis biográfica de una personalidad relevante, relacionada con la temática de la salud ocupacional, fallecida recientemente

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Reseñas críticas y/o históricas

Manuscritos que realizarán evaluaciones y consideraciones críticas sobre eventos, trabajos, libros y otros documentos nacionales o internacionales del perfil de la revista y reflexiones acerca de efemérides y acontecimientos históricos relacionados con la especialidad

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Revisores del año

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Créditos del Número

Destinada a divulgar los créditos del número

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Proceso de evaluación por pares

Peer review - impartial, independent, and critical - is an intrinsic part of the scientific process and allows the Editorial Board to decide which articles are most appropriate for publication in the journal while assisting authors, reviewers, and editors in improving the quality of the papers.

The journal uses a double-blind peer review system, where neither authors nor reviewers are identified among themselves; however, the open review mode is accepted, in accordance with the new precepts of Open Science, with the prior authorization of the authors and referees.

For the arbitration, it counts on the collaboration of external evaluators from outside the publishing institution and is studying the internationalization of the evaluation process of the manuscripts.

The evaluation process of the articles is carried out through the Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform as part of the automation of the editorial management, in the same way, the author will be able to follow up on the evolution of the process.

The manuscript is sent to three reviewers, who will have a maximum of three weeks to review it; their conclusions will be evaluated by the editorial committee.

Each manuscript is reviewed taking into account the refereeing form used by the journal. The observations of the reviewers and the editorial team will be sent to the author responsible for the correspondence, who should respond as soon as possible.

The decision to "Accept the submission", "Publishable with modifications", "Re-evaluate" or "Not publishable" is communicated by the editor to the author. In case of rejection, the editor sends to the contact author the results of the evaluation with the reviewers' suggestions regarding the improvements that could be applied to the article. If accepted, the article goes to the editorial processing stage.

Standardized guidelines for evaluation

The journal assumes the international standards for the elaboration of scientific articles in biomedical and health sciences journals, bearing in mind the specificities of each of the sections. This section provides access to a series of guidelines that can be used by authors for self-evaluation of their manuscripts before submission to the journal, and which also form the basis of the review forms.

- Notes on the review and editing process in medicine

- STROBE guidelines for observational studies

- COREQ Guide for qualitative research

- CARE Guide for case reports

- Notes on how to evaluate a literature review

- PRISMA Guidelines for literature reviews

- CONSORT Guidelines for publishing clinical trials

- SQUIRE Guide for standards of excellence in the quality of reports

It recommends everyone to visit the EQUATOR Network (Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research), where you can find a wide variety of guidelines to improve the quality and transparency of publications related to health sciences research.


Frecuencia de publicación

Política sobre frecuencia de publicación

La revista tiene una frecuencia cuatrimestral. El volumen correspondiente a cada año incluye tres (3) números que comprenden los períodos desde Enero a Abril, Mayo a Agosto y Septiembre a Diciembre y tendrá, como mínimo, 12 artículos en cada número. No se limita la propuesta de todos los tipos de manuscritos siempre que se cumpla que, estrictamente, no menos del 65 % sean artículos de investigación (nueva clasificación que incluye los artículos originales, las revisiones bibliográficas y las presentaciones de casos)

La revista aplica el sistema de publicación continua, desde el Número 3 del Volumen 23, correspondiente al año 2022, suprimiendo el paginado, con los artículos separados por secciones e identificados de acuerdo con el número de registro en la plataforma 

No obstante, la revista publica "en progreso", con los artículos de un número en el momento en que haya culminado todo el proceso establecido, antes y durante su período de vigencia

Cada vez que se publique un artículo o grupo de artículos en progreso, se notificará a los usuarios con la correspondiente tabla de contenidos actualizada hasta ese momento

Se incluye, como política adicional, la obligatoriedad de cerrar cada número con fecha tope el día 15 del último mes de su período de vigencia, es decir, Abril, Agosto y Diciembre, respectivamente.


Política de acceso abierto

La revista proporciona un acceso abierto inmediato a su contenido, basado en el principio de que ofrecer al público un acceso libre a las investigaciones ayuda a un mayor intercambio global de conocimiento.

La revista comparte la iniciativa de Budapest para el acceso abierto y su contenido se encuentra bajo los términos de la Licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)


Application of charges for publication

Access (through the Internet or any other means) to all the contents of the journal, registration, and submission of articles is completely free and all manuscript processing, review, editing, and publication is free of charge for authors


Policy on editorial process

The journal uses an electronic system for editorial management. The proposal of articles is done through the Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform as part of the automation of such management; likewise, the author may follow up on the evolution of the process. Submissions or personal communications using other media aren´t allowed.

The journal accepts unpublished manuscripts, however, as part of the adoption of the universal principles of Open Science in favor of the credibility and transparency of research results, papers previously presented at scientific conferences will also be accepted as long as they haven´t been published in their entirety or are being considered for publication in proceedings of events or similar formats; likewise, articles that have been previously deposited in Preprint servers, recognized in Health Sciences (SciELO Preprints; PMC; Plos; MedRxiv; arXiv. org, bioRxiv.org, ChemRxiv.org, etc.) or others that clearly identify the preprint as a non-peer-reviewed work and include authorship data. The version to be submitted to the journal should be the most updated.

In all cases, the authors' declaration in this regard and access to the respective servers is mandatory (see policy on preprints).

The Editorial Committee will conduct an initial review to determine the relevance of the topic and whether the manuscript complies with the publication standards. If the article presents methodological deficiencies or does not address a topic of interest to the journal, it will be rejected.

Receipt and registration are only the initial step in the editorial process for selection and don´t necessarily lead to acceptance for publication. The final decision rests exclusively with the Editorial Committee, which reserves the right to choose the articles to be published, as well as to make stylistic modifications respecting the original content. The selection of the material proposed for publication is based on the following essential criteria:

- Correspondence with the profile of interest of the publication and its readers.

- Compliance with the instructions for the submission of papers

- Originality, scientific soundness, timeliness, novelty or validity of the proposed study.

- Relevance to scientific research or practice

- Quality of presentation, spelling and grammar, structure, coherence, organization, and writing.

- Methodological and content quality of the work. Conclusions based on the results and objectives.

- Compliance with ethical standards.

- Adequacy, timeliness, value, and presentation of bibliographical references.

Deadlines for response

Initial (Automatic by the system) - At the moment of successful submission of the article.

Editorial Assignment - Within 24 hours, the submission is assigned to the Editor in charge and automatically goes from "Unassigned" to "Under Review" status.

Preliminary Editorial - Within 72 hours from the date of receipt, a general review is carried out to determine compliance with the general rules, and the Author is notified of the passage to peer review.

Assignment of reviewers and commencement of refereeing - Within 7 days of notice of preliminary acceptance of the article.

Generally, the review is performed by three referees, who are previously requested to express their willingness to perform the review within five (5) days.

Peer review - The referees have a maximum of three (3) weeks to send the editor in charge of the article their observations (by completing a mandatory online form) and their recommendation (accept submission, publishable with modifications, re-evaluable and not publishable), in addition to the option of uploading a Word file with other considerations and comments on the reviewed article.

Editor's Decision - The editor in charge will send an evaluation summary to the author with the decision. In case modifications are required, the Editor's decision will be accompanied by a Word file with comments from the reviewers and the editorial team.

The author will resolve the observations within a period of time proportional to their quantity, complexity, and variety and will send a modified version, which will be subject to a new evaluation. As many rounds of review as necessary will be carried out.

Acceptance of the article - Within 72 hours after its approval by the Editorial Board and the Journal's Management, notifying the author that the article goes to the final editing process corresponding to the Editorial of Medical Sciences.

Publication - Within 7 days after receiving the edited version from the Publisher, all users are notified with a version of the Table of Contents with activated accesses to each article, the issue, and the Journal.


To the referees - Within 7 days following the deadline by which the review should have been delivered, setting a new deadline, also of 7 days to deliver the arbitration; a new non-compliance will imply the cancellation of the review request.

To the authors - After the 30-day term following the return of the article, with a term of 7 to 10 days to formalize the delivery of the manuscript; a new non-compliance will imply the decision not to publish the article and its definitive archiving.

About the technical process

The technical process, after the acceptance of the articles by the Editorial Committee, includes the services of proofreading, philological correction, imaging, and methodological training, offered by Editorial of Medical Sciences édicas; as well as the translations of the titles and abstracts of the articles by the Translations Department of the National Center for Medical Sciences Information-Infomed.

About the publication formats

The journal publishes, starting with volume 24 corresponding to the year 2023, the articles in XML format, following the SciELO Publishing Schema (SciELO PS) publication model and in Portable Document Format, (PDF), in two versions: PDF PRINT (version prepared for the printed journal) and PDF (version of the XML format).



Policy on publication of numbers

The journal is published with a four-monthly frequency. The volume corresponding to each year includes three (3) issues covering the periods from January to April, May to August, and September to December; each issue will have, at least, 12 articles. The proposal of all types of manuscripts isn´t limited provided that, strictly speaking, not less than 65% are research articles (new terminology that includes original articles, bibliographic reviews, and case presentations).

The publication of the issues is in progress, with the articles that have completed the entire editorial process, and generally begins prior to the period of validity of the issue and up to the 15th day of the last month in each case (i.e. April, August and December).

The Editorial Committee will decide, in the event that there are two issues in progress simultaneously, which of them will appear on the home page, which will be informed to the users on the page itself together with the instruction for locating the other issue in progress, generally in the "previous issues" tab.

Each time an article or group of articles in progress is published, users will be notified with the table of contents updated up to that point. This notification includes the title of the article in English, the author collective, and the link to its location



Policy on publication of special issues and supplements

Special issues or supplements respond to a specific need for dissemination about a topic, fundamentally related to the journal's activity. Also, based on the same principle, they can respond to a request from a collaborating institution.

In any case, authorization must be obtained from the editorial processing unit or Publisher (Editorial of Medical Sciences) and the proposal of its content will be authorized by the Editorial Committee.

Manuscripts for special issues or supplements will strictly conform, like the rest of the articles, to the rules of publication and will follow the same procedures for peer review and the remaining phases of the editorial process.



Policy on prior publications or presentations at events

The Journal accepts unpublished manuscripts.

Papers previously presented at a scientific conference are also accepted if they have not been published in their entirety or are being considered for publication in proceedings of events or similar formats. In this case, authors must declare the details of their publication in the attached official document.

We also welcome articles that have been previously deposited in preprint servers, non-profit and recognized in Health Sciences (SciELO Preprints; PMC; Plos; MedRxiv; arXiv.org, bioRxiv.org, ChemRxiv.org, etc.) or others that clearly identify the "preprint" as a non-peer-reviewed work and include the authorship data. Authors must declare in an attached document that the article was previously deposited in a preprint server and provide direct access to it. The version submitted for review by the journal must be the most updated.

Duplicate publications, translations of previously published articles, partial research results, or independent abstracts aren´t accepted for review.

Distribution on the Internet in other forms may be considered prior to publication and may compromise the originality of the article for submission to a scientific journal.

While manuscripts are under the peer review process, they should not be published in any instance and, if any press coverage is made regarding their content, it is recommended to do so after publication.



Publication language policy

The Journal accepts unpublished manuscripts.

Papers previously presented at a scientific conference are also accepted if they have not been published in their entirety or are being considered for publication in proceedings of events or similar formats. In this case, authors must declare the details of their publication in the attached official document.

We also welcome articles that have been previously deposited in preprint servers, non-profit and recognized in Health Sciences (SciELO Preprints; PMC; Plos; MedRxiv; arXiv.org, bioRxiv.org, ChemRxiv.org, etc.) or others that clearly identify the "preprint" as a non-peer-reviewed work and include the authorship data. Authors must declare in an attached document that the article was previously deposited in a preprint server and provide direct access to it. The version submitted for review by the journal must be the most updated.

Duplicate publications, translations of previously published articles, partial research results, or independent abstracts aren´t accepted for review.

Distribution on the Internet in other forms may be considered prior to publication and may compromise the originality of the article for submission to a scientific journal.

While manuscripts are under the peer review process, they should not be published in any instance and, if any press coverage is made regarding their content, it is recommended to do so after publication.



Document referencing system policy

The journal uses the "Uniform recommendations and requirements for the conduct, reporting, editing, and publication of manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals, developed by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE)". These guidelines are commonly known as Vancouver style standards for the bibliographic referencing of articles.


Post-publication Error Remediation Policy

The journal allows authors to thoroughly review the final version of the manuscript before publication so that authors assume responsibility for any errors not noticed before publication and notify the Editorial Committee, especially those that could affect the interpretation of the data.

The Editorial Committee will evaluate the errors found and decide whether it is necessary to replace the current version or publish an erratum; when important errors are found that could invalidate the work, a retraction will be considered.



Article withdrawal and recall policy

Retraction means the denial of previously published material and proceeds if there is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable (for example: calculation errors, fabrication of data, or falsification of images that may affect the interpretation of the data), if it constitutes plagiarism or if there is fraudulent information, if it contains material or data without authorization for use, if copyright was infringed or there is some other serious legal problem if it reports unethical research if it has been published on the basis of a compromised or manipulated peer review process, if the authors failed to disclose an important competing interest (conflict of interest) that, in the opinion of the editor, would have unduly affected the interpretations of the paper or the recommendations of the editors and reviewers. Expressions or suspicions that should be notified to readers will be published.

Withdrawal of articles means the deletion, suppression, or concealment of an article and is only allowed when there is a case involving legal violations, defamation, or other legal limitations, as well as when there is false or inaccurate data. In such cases, a statement of withdrawal will be published. The journal doesn´t promote advertisements of commercial products that function as sponsors, nor does it host any advertisements on its Web site, nor does it establish hyperlinks to sites that contain them.



Policy on the publication of advertisements or commercial promotions

The journal doesn't promote advertisements of commercial products that function as sponsors, nor does it host any advertising on its website, nor does it establish hyperlinks to sites that contain it.

In the environment of scientific activity, the pages of the journal can be clear vehicles for the dissemination of the results of scientific research conducted by professionals linked to health, the training of human resources for health, in the form of articles and according to the standards established for scientific journals in health sciences. Likewise, courses, workshops, and events related to the central theme of the publication can have limited space for their visualization.



Authorship policy

The journal recognizes the persons who sign as authors as long as they meet the four (4) criteria recommended by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), http://www.icmje.org/recommendations/browse/roles-and-responsibilities/defining-the-role-of-authors-and-contributors.html, universally established for authors of scientific articles.

The order of appearance of the authors is their joint decision; however, an author must be identified for correspondence, will assume responsibility for communication with the Editorial Committee, and must be available throughout the editorial process; This author is also responsible for the correct inclusion of all co-authors in the metadata of the platform, in the order agreed upon by them. This must be done during the submission stage of the original article, taking into account that the order of the authors that appears in the submitted document does not materialize if it is not respected when entering the metadata.

The full names and surnames of the entire collective must appear, as well as the ORCID code and the full name of the institutional affiliations.

The quality, completeness, and accuracy in the order and data of the authors will guarantee the officialization of their contribution and visibility in the table of contents of the issue in which it is published.

The number of authors is limited to a maximum of six. A larger number of authors must be duly justified, parallel to the submission of the article, and addressed to the editors through the e-mail addresses: insatinv@infomed.sld.cu, and the editorial decision will be communicated in due time.

The article should reflect the authorship contribution of each of the members of the collective, which should be in accordance with the taxonomy of CRediT collaborator roles; the authorship roles will be identified in the following order, including each author in the corresponding role and omitting those that do not apply in each case: conceptualization, data curation, formal analysis, acquisition of funds, research, methodology, project management, resources, software, supervision, validation, visualization, writing the original draft and writing, revising and editing.

The Editorial Board reserves the right to not accept certain authors in relation to the size of their stated role in the research.

Any addition, rearrangement, or deletion in the list of authors must be made prior to the acceptance of the article and always with the prior authorization of the Editor.

To request such a change, authors must send the Editor a signed letter confirming that all authors agree with the addition, deletion, or reordering. In case of addition or deletion, the added or deleted author must also confirm this action



Policy on ethical violations

The journal embraces all the initiatives of good practices of scientific publication at the international level promoted by the guidelines of the International Committee on Ethics in Scientific Publication (COPE), any ethical violation related to the study or research will be resolved using these protocols.

The submitted research should comply with and address the ethical statements of the CIOMS-WHO standards for the types of studies, whether in humans or animals (Declaration of Helsinki), to resolve all cases of misconduct in scientific publication.



Política de detección de plagio

The journal prohibits any form of plagiarism, so it´s recommended to review the content of your article before submitting it, as well as the detailed care of the use of citations and bibliographic references

It is also suggested to read the article: Avoiding plagiarism, self-plagiarism, and other questionable writing practices: A guide to ethical writing with a Spanish version in la guía de Miguel Roig.

Office of Research Integrity (ORI) considers that "...plagiarism includes both theft and misappropriation of intellectual property and substantial unattributed verbatim copying of another person's work..." and "...and includes the unauthorized use of unique ideas or methods obtained through privileged communication, such as a grant or manuscript review..."

All articles received in the journal are checked by the editors before and during the publication process to detect possible plagiarism, using tools, primarily: https://panel.strikeplagiarism.com.

The Editorial Committee will analyze all similarities with other documents, regardless of the percentage they represent with respect to the totality of the text. Coincidences detected for which there is no justification should be corrected by the authors.

The Editorial Committee reserves the right to definitively reject a manuscript whose similarities with other papers, whether unjustified or not, are considered inadmissible because it is considered to be a duplicate and/or redundant publication.



Policy on data openness

The Journal promotes the openness of research data, as long as the level of confidentiality allows it, a very important aspect as part of open access to information, following the precept that data should be "as open as possible, as closed as necessary".

As part of the compliance with the principles of Open Science, the author will be able to present his research data in any of the servers available internationally for this purpose, which guarantees compliance with the principles of findability, accessibility, interoperability and reusability (FAIR). The following are recommended:

DataCite, The Dataverse Network, Zenodo, SciELO Data


Policy on use of Artificial Intelligence

Authorship attribution of manuscripts entails responsibility for the content of the paper, which cannot be effectively applied to Large Language Models (LLM).

In such a case, the ChatGPT doesn´t meet the authorship criteria established for publication in Cuban medical journals,

The use of an LLM should be adequately documented in the Methods section (and, if a Methods section isn´t available, in a suitable alternative part) of the manuscript.

In the case of images obtained with any of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques, they should also be documented in the corresponding section of the manuscript.

corresponding section of the manuscript.

The Editorial Committee of the Journal will analyze each particular case and determine its pertinence in order to avoid any type of ethical conflict.

Bibliographic references constructed with LLM models such as ChatGPT, which, in their verification, are not valid in their verification, will be discarded.